Aljabar Boolean, Penyederhanaan Logika dan Peta Karnaugh

Standart form of Boolean expressions

Ø  Sum of Product (SOP)

Ø  Product of Sum (POS)

(SOP form) when two or more product term are summed by Boolean addition.

Conversion of a general expression to SOP form

The standard SOP form

The product -of-sum (POS) form

Boolean Expression and Truth Table

Converting SOP to Truth Table

·       Examine each of the products to determine where the product is equal to a 1

·       Set the remaining row uotputs to 0

Conveting POS to Truth Table

·       Opposite process form the SOP Expression.

·       Each sum term result in a 0

·       Set the remaining roe outputs to 1

The Karnaugh Map

·       Provides a systematic method for simplifying Boolean expressions

·       Produces the simplest SOP or POS expression

·       Similar to a truth table because it presents all of the possible values of input variables

K-Map simplication of SOP Expression

·       A group must contain either 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16 cells.

·       Each cell in group must be adjacent to one or more cells in that same group but all cells in the group do not have to be adjacent to each other

·       Always include the largest possible number 1s in a group in accordance with rule 1

·       Each 1 on the map must be included in at least one group. The 1s already in a group can be included in another group as long as the overlapping groups include noncommon 1s.

Determine the minimum SOP Expression from the map
Groups the cells that have 1s. Each group of cells containing 1s create one product term composed of all variables that occur in only one form (either uncomplemented or complemented) within the group. Variable that occurs both uncomplemented and complemented within the group are eliminated. These are called contradictory variables.


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